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10 Must-Do's During a Job Interview – For Interviewers

1. Warm Greeting

Being that we are in the midst of COVID, our greetings have changed a bit. Whether you have scheduled a virtual, over the phone or face-to-face interview, remember to always greet your candidate with a smile. Introduce yourself and the company you are representing so they feel comfortable and eager to share. Giving a little background on who you are, your experiences and career path within the company will definitely show them that they are in the right place.

2. Set clear expectations

Clearly define and map out the stages and steps from the very beginning, if possible, create an infographic and share it with your candidate. Candidates should know and understand where they are regarding next stakeholders, assessments, paperwork, positions, and the requirements and timelines for each. If needed have the candidate recap the next stage to ensure they are clear, and answer any questions they may have.

3. Listen with a purpose

Pay close attention to candidates’ answers to avoid making them repeat information, thus allowing them to feel comfortable during the interview. Follow up with comments and a few highlights from their experiences, interests, career goals, education or traveling. Candidates want to feel that you are just as invested in them as they are in you.

4. Look for Blind Spots

Review job descriptions, employer and candidate objectives, goals and expectations before deep diving into the interview. This will allow the interviewer to identify any missing key information or if further information may be required from the applicant.

5. Carefully Select your Questions

It is easy to gloss over asking the right open-ended questions. Have a handful of your go-to questions and possible follow-up questions regarding how the candidate got started, their duration in the industry, the various roles they have held, their ultimate goals, and where they gained their experience, any relevant metrics or deliverables, key industry personal achievements, what they valued about their previous employer, their reasons for choosing you and why they are looking for a change of scenery.

6. Identify Candidate Language

Body language is crucial and it can be a lot more telling than what your verbal communication is; especially from the way you move to even the way you sit can make a candidate feel at ease and open to share. Whether you are online, over the phone or in person, an applicant is able to sense your willingness to assist, professionalism, experience and enthusiasm. It important to note that posture, dress code, tone of voice and punctuality are not just one sided.

7. Be Creative and Redirect as needed

Applicants may not always answer your questions specifically or directly. This could be due to the way the question was posed, their understanding of the question, or possibly not having enough experience in the area being discussed. This creates an opportunity for us to use their answer to have a smooth conversation and redirect the topic to what is really the discussion or question at hand. Find ways in which you can reword or link what they have said; allowing them to further elaborate.

8. Analyze Competencies

While you’re getting into the interview, it is necessary to compare, contrast and analyze their profiles to what is needed for the position to get an effective and time bound outcome. They may not have each specific skill; however, do they show promise in the field, do they ask you questions that highlight what you are looking for, and are they willing to learn? Sometimes being a bit “green” in a few areas can be advantageous for your company.

9. Time to Conclude

You’re almost towards the end of the interview, ensure to note any possible “What Went Wells” or “Even Betters”. If the candidate is what you are looking for, let them know the next steps and why they are a fit for your company, letting them know what you saw in them will engage and truly make them see the value in your brand and company culture. If the applicant did not meet the requirements, it is also important to give them constructive feedback and invite them to revisit you once they have gained the experience or have the required items; you never know who you are letting go or what they will be able to accomplish in the future. If your company has tips for polishing their skills with tutorials or references be sure to share them, as it shows you are interested in finding them solutions.

10. Keep in mind every profile is unique

Candidates usually expect to be guided by their interviewer and have a personalized experience. As time passes by we get used to our tasks; resulting in some interviews becoming transactional. However, this may be the first time an applicant is applying for a job. Be kind, patient, and give each individual an opportunity to complete as much as they can without dismissing them too soon; especially if a candidate has traveled, waited and studied/trained for months in order to see you.

Remember where you started and your first interview. This is where employee engagement and loyalty is created. You may be the first person or company to give them their start and have a positive and impacting effect on someone’s life and career.

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